What is a Hotspot?
A Hotspot provides internet access to families and households that lack these services or need a stronger connection. These devices are easy-to-use and allow patrons to connect their laptop, tablet, and other Wi-Fi enabled devices to the internet.
Click here to view the Hotspot Wi-Fi Check Out Agreement. Print at home or have it printed at the library.
- Patrons can now borrow a Wi-Fi Mobile Device called a Hotspot to access the internet at home, at work, or on the go.
- Patrons can connect up to 10 devices.
- 3 week checkout.
- Special conditions apply .
- Available for check out to BHFPL Patrons age 18+
Technology Policy
- Internet usage is a privilege provided by the West Virginia Library Commission and the Bolivar Harpers Ferry Public Library. Patrons must abide by the Library’s General Policies and Rules of Use. Failure to do so may result in the loss of Internet access privileges.
- The Bolivar-Harpers Ferry Public Library provides free access to the Internet for educational, informational, and recreational purposes.
- However, the library has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be responsible for its content. Not all content on the web is accurate, complete, current or appropriate for all users. Therefore, Internet users need to be wise consumers and evaluators of the material they access.
- Library computers may not be used for illegal activity or to access illegal materials. Under federal and state law (USC Title 18, Section 1460 & 2256, and WV Code 61-8A-1), users cannot access child pornography or material that is obscene. Minors (anyone not yet 18) cannot access materials that are “harmful to minors” as defined by the law.
- Library computers and wireless service are filtered in compliance with West Virginia State law. Computer users may request professional staff to review and to unblock a filtered site.
General Rules of Use
- Users must read the Library’s Technology Policy before accessing free wireless, and/or using library owned computers, tablets and eReaders for the first time
- Although the staff will answer patron questions whenever possible, they are not responsible for training or teaching patrons in the use of computer programs or Internet functions.
- Users must maintain proper behavior, avoiding excessive conversation and disruptive activities.
- Users may not use library Internet access to run a business
- Installation, downloading, or modification of software onto library owned computers and devices is prohibited and will result in immediate and permanent suspension of internet use privileges.
- Users may not make any attempt to gain unauthorized access to restricted files or networks, or to damage or modify computer equipment or software.
- Users must adhere to copyright laws and licensing agreements.
- No food or drink allowed near library owned computers or devices.
Rules for Patrons Using Computers Owned by the Library
- To use computers, library patrons must sign in before each computer session by writing their first name and the current time on sign-in sheet.
- A computer user will be limited to a forty-five minute session if a new patron is waiting for a computer. A patron may also be limited to two sessions per day if computer usage warrants.
- Any patron waiting for a computer to become available must be present in the library.
- The charge for copying or printing from library computers is 15 cents per black and white or 40 cents per colored sheet. Patrons must pay for all sheets they printed, even if they don’t want or need them.
- Only one user at a time is permitted at a computer unless a member of the staff has given permission for more.
- Patrons can use their own Flash Drives or CD’s in public computers.
- Computers will be turned off fifteen minutes prior to the library’s closing.
- The library has the authority to end a session for any reason covered in these policy statements. If asked to terminate a session, users are expected to do so in a timely and courteous fashion.
Rules of Use Specific to Children
- Parents are responsible for supervising their children’s access to the Internet.
- Children not yet 18 must have a permission slip (available from the library) signed by a parent or guardian before they may use the computer or access the Internet.
- Children should be warned by parents or guardians to avoid giving out over the Internet any names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, or other personal information.
- A child not yet in middle school must be supervised by a parent or guardian while using the computer, unless the child can successfully use the computer and its software without any adult help.
Rules of Use Specific to Wi-Fi Users
- To access Wi-Fi please obtain a username and password at desk.
- Library does not provide printing services to patrons using free WiFi services.
- Patrons may use designated electrical outlets in library to power their personal devices.
- Patrons may drink beverages (with lid) while using their own devices.
- Library offers training (by appointment) on how to download library eBooks and eAudiobooks.
Rules of Use for Laptops, Tablets, Hotspots, and e-Readers Owned by the Library
- Library owned electronic devices are for use in library only.
- Patron must have a driver’s license or other form of valid ID to use device. Driver’s license will be kept by library staff in a drawer while patron is using the device.
- Patrons must follow General Policies and General Rules of Use (see above).
- Exceptions to this rule apply to library run book clubs. Call library with questions or concerns.