Book Club @ 6:00 pm
February 13 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Book Club @ 6:00 pm
Join us for a lively discussion about, Frozen River by Ariel Lawhorn and Tom Lake by Ann Patchett (January’s Book), Thursday, February 13th @ 6:00 pm.
Our book club takes a meal together at 6:00 and begins our book discussion after dinner. Please bring a dish to share.
Summary of Tom Lake:
Lara recounts a story to her daughters about a brief romance she once shared with a handsome, famous actor, Peter Duke. Beginning with a community theater audition as a junior in high school from a small town in New Hampshire, Lara tells them about her experiences that led her to Los Angeles and New York and eventually to the cherry orchard she and their father, Joe, own. This intimate and beautifully written story is about falling in love, growing up, about family and the decisions we make and the paths we choose to go down.
Summary of Frozen River:
Martha Ballard, an 18th-century midwife in Maine, as she leverages her standing as a medical professional to investigate two crimes: a murder and a rape. This book is the sixth of Lawhon’s historical fiction novels, all of which center on notable female protagonists. Lawhorn is known for writing “biographical fiction” that adheres closely to the truth of her heroines’ lives, but The Frozen River breaks this trend in that it is highly conjectural. Many of the key plot points of the book are entirely fabricated. Using Martha Ballard’s life, as recorded in her journal, and the biography written by Laura Thatcher Ulrich—A Midwife’s Tale (1990)—as loose guidelines, Lawhorn explores themes of Puritan Shame Culture and Gender Oppression, The Courtroom as a Theatrical Spectacle, and Familial Loyalty in the Face of Suspicion.